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我们都依靠授粉昆虫来生产健康的水果和蔬菜 健康的生态系统在很多方面保护和造福我们. Healthy Yards 旨在帮助居民为本地传粉昆虫提供栖息地. A yard with less 草坪和更多的本地植物可以减少对化学品和水的需求,并提供 a healthier environment for children and pets. Healthy Yards is a program of the City of Clarksville's Sustainability Board 和蒙哥马利郡政府在365bet的协助下 Center of Excellence for Field Biology.

Healthy Yards Sign
Get the yard sign that shows you care.
当你注册你的院子时,你会收到一个有吸引力和耐用的标志 yard:


Register Your Yard

Upcoming Events

Native Garden and Habitat Club

New Club - first meeting!

Wednesday, May 15, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Wade Bourne Nature Center, Rotary Park首先是在导游的带领下参观公园里的原生植物.  At 6:30 pm, we'll 继续在楼上的会议室(大楼后面的入口,2楼).)

学习如何帮助蝴蝶和蜜蜂,在你自己的院子里创建一个自然保护区.  适合初学者和专家的活动和教育.



Contact us: ClarksvilleTNHealthyYards@gmail.com 

Make a donation to the Healthy Yards Program.

Native garden with Healthy Yards yard sign.

How to Participate in Healthy Yards

  1. 承诺种植和维护三种或更多的原生植物作为寄主植物 为毛毛虫或花蜜来源传粉者,如本地蜜蜂和蝴蝶. 
    • 选择我们这个地区的原生植物,美国东南部.S., have not been 用杀虫剂处理,不是装饰品种.
    • 在下面关于选择和采购植物的部分了解更多信息.
  2. 承诺避免使用杀虫剂或除草剂. 
    • 化学物质会杀死传粉者和它们赖以生存的植物. They can be harmful to children and pets. 
  3. Register online - Register Your Yard Here.
    • 你会收到一封电子邮件,当你的院子标志准备好了,在当地的联合 Way office.
  4. 自豪地展示你的“健康庭院”标志,向你的邻居展示你正在做一个 difference.
  5. 全年参加健康庭院活动.

2023 Healthy Yards home garden tour.

Selecting and sourcing plants

Selecting a Location

  1. Most pollinator plants grow in full sun. Look for a location with 6-8 hours of sun per day. 然而,傍晚的太阳(最热的时候)会让人感到压力 some plants that require more moisture.
  2. 将同一物种的几种植物组合在一起,这样更吸引人,更容易除草和控制 传播(如果你选择这样做)和传粉者的喂养效率.
  3. 考虑靠近水源,特别是如果你从种子开始. Plants will 需要浇水,直到他们建立在最初的几个月,和小幼苗 need more frequent watering.


Selecting Plants for a Native Pollinator Garden

  1. 每个人都有适合自己的园艺风格. It’s fine to plan and execute a 只在需要的地方设计和维护特定的工厂,并行使你的管理能力 style. 但无论发生什么,尝试多种植物也会非常有效 穿过,看看什么能茁壮成长,让大自然来驱动这个过程. Do you like an orderly 园林设计还是比较喜欢自然混合的草甸? It’s your choice.
  2. Native to where? 为了传粉者和当地生态系统的利益,是最好的选择 is the most local. 如果你能买到田纳西本土的植物,那就太好了! Most often, your best bet is a U.S. Southeastern regional native.
  1. Will you buy plants or seeds?
  1. Consider these factors when choosing plants
    1. Annual or perennial
    2. Height
    3. Sun requirements
    4. 土壤水分和浇水需求(干、湿、湿)
    5. Do you have deer resistance (less yummy)?
  2. 选择多种会给你授粉的食物和吸引人的花朵 the growing season. 挑选春天开花的植物和夏天开花的植物 and others for fall.
  3. Consider mature plant height and sun exposure. Place smaller plants in front so they will not be shaded by taller plants. In spacing plants, consider the eventual mature size of plants. It may take 2-4 years to reach maturity.
  4. Consider soil moisture. 选择喜欢干燥、潮湿或潮湿环境的植物 – whatever best suits your location.
  5. Plant availability. 不要爱上一种植物,直到你发现它是否可用 从一个有信誉的来源或当地园丁的朋友.


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