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STEM Centers

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (CoSTEM) at Austin Peay State University is home to several centers that drive research, education, and community engagement across various scientific disciplines. These centers provide unique opportunities for students, faculty, and the public to explore and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Our Centers

Students viewing how elevation levels are displayed
GIS Center

The GIS Center provides mapping, spatial data, mobile applications, and desktop software solutions to small businesses and counties. With over 23 years of experience, our team delivers the best value for our clients.

Student mesauring the length of a fish caught in a creek
Center of Excellence for Field Biology

The Center of Excellence for Field Biology is dedicated to the study and preservation of biodiversity in the southeastern United States. Our researchers use field-based methods, laboratory approaches, and bioinformatics to address questions in ecology, evolution, systematics, and conservation.

Cow at 365bet's Farm
Farm and Environmental Education Center

The Farm and Environmental Education Center is a 440-acre facility that supports academic programs at Austin Peay, as well as the community and state. The center provides hands-on experience for agriculture students and offers opportunities to study livestock, crops, forests, wildlife, and land formations.